Petaluma Photo Gallery
/Petaluma Daily Morning Courier, July 13, 1898, p. 2
The Petaluma Photo Gallery was advertised between July 7 and July 23, 1898 in the Petaluma Daily Morning Courier. The advertisement was run 16 times and is the only mention of the gallery in the Petaluma papers. The large advertisement for the gallery claimed that photographs were available below cost and were finished by a, “First-Class Workman from San Francisco”. At the bottom of the advertisement was written, “Remember the place is Opp. American Hotel, Joslin’s Old Gallery”. Amon James Tuft Joslin had departed Petaluma for Chico, California in April of 1897, presumably leaving his photographic studio “opposite the American Hotel” empty and available at 850 Main Street.
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