Allen, George Anson (1846-1920)

Unidentified Photographer, Portrait Photograph of George Anson Allen



Photographer: unidentified


Name: George Anson Allen

Description: This is a head-and-shoulders portrait of Captain George Anson Allen taken as he approached middle-age. He has a heavy, walrus mustache and prominent ears. He is wearing a high-buttoned, double lapel jacket and a wide bow tie.

Biographical Note: Allen was born in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts July 1846, and he died in Sacramento, California, March 25, 1920. Allen was a California riverboat captain. He is reported to have piloted the Valletta, the Colusa, and the Red Bluff steamboats. He lived in Vallejo Township and in Sacramento at 3327 Third Avenue. Capitan George Anson Allen is not to be confused with his contemporary, Captain George W. Allen, a man whose criminal behavior was reported in Sacramento newspapers.

Family Affiliation: Captain Allen married Elizabeth Dora Waugh Allen (see companion portrait) on March 20, 1868. She was the daughter of the early prominent Petaluma pioneers, Reverend Lorenzo Dow Waugh (1808-1900) and Clarissa Jane Edsall Waugh (1826-1877). Goerge and Elizabeth had three children: Walter, Mary Bell, and Lonnie.

Bibliography: Petaluma Argus-Courier, July 1, 1909, p. 2. Petaluma Weekly Argus, Apr. 4, 1885, p. 2; Jan. 19, 1889, p. 3. The Sacramento Bee, Aug. 7, 1908, p. 12; Feb. 13, 1909, p. 17; “New Steamer on First Trip,” Sept. 14, 1911, p. 5; Nov. 20, 1918, p. 10; Nov. 20, 1918, p. 8; Oct. 19, 1920, p. 4.


Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This cabinet card bears no imprint or photographer’s name. Handwritten in blue ink across the bottom in a combination of upper and lower case letters is: “GEoRgE A. ALLEN - HusBAND oF ELizABET”.

Description, back: Handwritten across the top is, “Mrs, F, [ F?] Allen 2423 - O st Sacramento”. The identity of “Mrs, F, [F?] Allen” is unknown. She may have been a relative living in Sacramento to whom the portrait was given.

Date: The dark color of the card upon which this portrait is mounted and Allen’s attire suggest this portrait dates to the late 1880s.

Condition: Although the edges of this card are nicked, the portrait is in good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-09

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.