Allen, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Dora Waugh (1852-1940)

Unidentified Photographer, Portrait Photograph of Elizabeth “Lizzie” Dora Waugh Allen


Photographer:  unidentified


Name: Elizabeth Dora Waugh Allen

Description: With a detached gaze, Elizabeth Dora Waugh Allen presents her face fully frontal to the viewer. She wears a dark dress or jacket with a white under-blouse that can be seen at her neck. Below it is a horizontal pin that fastens a dark, floral patterned scarf that rests on her shoulders. Pinned to the scarf is a bouquet of two light-colored flowers. The hair at Elizabeth’s temples has been tightly pulled to the back of her head, while the hair above her forehead has been curled and adorns the crown of her head. She wears a pair of large, gold dangling earrings.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: Elizabeth Dora Waugh Allen was born November 20, 1852, in Sonoma County, California, and died March 26, 1940, in Butte County, California. She was born to the early, prominent Petaluma pioneers, Clarissa Jane Edsall Waugh (1826-1877) and Reverend Lorenzo Waugh (1808-1900). In Sonoma County, on March 20, 1868, at the age of sixteen, she married the riverboat captain George Allen (see companion portrait). They had three children: Walter, Mary Bell, and Lonnie.



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This cabinet card bears no imprint or photographer’s name. Handwritten in blue ink across the bottom in a combination of upper and lower case letters is: “ELizABETH WAUGH BoRA (born?) NOV. 20, 1852 - Sanona” (Sonoma?)

Description, back: The back side of this card is either blank or contains only an access number.

Date: The dark color of the card upon which the photograph is mounted and Allen’s attire suggest this portrait dates to the late 1880s.

Condition: There is light foxing throughout the front of this portrait, and the card’s edges are nicked.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-08

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.