Vonsen, Sophie Willhelmine Bartelt (1888-1978)


Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and sophie Bartelt Vonsen


Photographic Studio:  GUSTAVE A. GOEHNER was born in 1852 or 1853 in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1870. He worked as a photographer in Wisconsin and Minnesota before arriving in Petaluma in June 1906. He maintained his Petaluma photographic studio on Western Avenue from that year until sometime in the early 1920s. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and Sophie Bartelt Vonsen


Biographical Note: Herman C. Bartelt was a native of Germany. He was a long-time resident of Petaluma where he worked as a poultry farmer, businessman, resort & saloon owner, and real estate agent. He and his wife Catherine were the proprietors of the Willow Brook Hotel at Redwood Highway and Corona Road and the popular Chicken Rancho. Bartelt also established the Novelty Iron Works in Petaluma at 770-772 Keller Street. Towards the end of his life he resided at 14 or 824 Keller Street. Bartelt and his wife reported the famous Wiseman airship mishap. Bartelt was an active member of the Herman Sons’ Lodge.

Family Affiliation: Bartelt’s wife and business partner was Catherine Petersen Bartelt (b. 1865), and his daughter was Sophie Bartelt Vonsen (1888-1978), a Petaluma dressmaker.



Format / Size: Imperial cabinet card, approximately 25 x 17 cm


Description, front:

Description, back:


Condition: Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-30

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Bartelt, Herman C. (1858-1938) (4 of 4)


Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and sophie Bartelt


Photographic Studio:  GUSTAVE A. GOEHNER was born in 1852 or 1853 in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1870. He worked as a photographer in Wisconsin and Minnesota before arriving in Petaluma in June 1906. He maintained his Petaluma photographic studio on Western Avenue from that year until sometime in the early 1920s. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and Sophie Bartelt


Biographical Note: Herman C. Bartelt was a native of Germany. He was a long-time resident of Petaluma where he worked as a poultry farmer, businessman, resort & saloon owner, and real estate agent. He and his wife Catherine were the proprietors of the Willow Brook Hotel at Redwood Highway and Corona Road and the popular Chicken Rancho. Bartelt also established the Novelty Iron Works in Petaluma at 770-772 Keller Street. Towards the end of his life he resided at 14 or 824 Keller Street. Bartelt and his wife reported the famous Wiseman airship mishap. Bartelt was an active member of the Herman Sons’ Lodge.

Family Affiliation: Bartelt’s wife and business partner was Catherine Petersen Bartelt (b. 1865), and his daughter was Sophie Bartelt Vonsen (1888-1978), a Petaluma dressmaker.



Format / Size: Imperial cabinet card, approximately 25 x 17 cm


Description, front:

Description, back:


Condition: Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-30

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Bartelt, Catherine Petersen (b. 1865) (3 of 3)


Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and sophie Bartelt


Photographic Studio:  GUSTAVE A. GOEHNER was born in 1852 or 1853 in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1870. He worked as a photographer in Wisconsin and Minnesota before arriving in Petaluma in June 1906. He maintained his Petaluma photographic studio on Western Avenue from that year until sometime in the early 1920s. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Herman C. Bartelt, Catherine Petersen Bartelt and Sophie Bartelt


Biographical Note: Herman C. Bartelt was a native of Germany. He was a long-time resident of Petaluma where he worked as a poultry farmer, businessman, resort & saloon owner, and real estate agent. He and his wife Catherine were the proprietors of the Willow Brook Hotel at Redwood Highway and Corona Road and the popular Chicken Rancho. Bartelt also established the Novelty Iron Works in Petaluma at 770-772 Keller Street. Towards the end of his life he resided at 14 or 824 Keller Street. Bartelt and his wife reported the famous Wiseman airship mishap. Bartelt was an active member of the Herman Sons’ Lodge.

Family Affiliation: Bartelt’s wife and business partner was Catherine Petersen Bartelt (b. 1865), and his daughter was Sophie Bartelt Vonsen (1888-1978), a Petaluma dressmaker.



Format / Size: Imperial cabinet card, approximately 25 x 17 cm


Description, front:

Description, back:


Condition: Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-30

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Weyler, Rena Church (1890 or 1891-1918) (2 of 2)

Gustave A. Goehner’s Portrait Photograph of Rena Church Weyler


GUSTAVE A. GOEHNER was born in 1852 or 1853 in Germany and immigrated to the United States in 1870. He worked as a photographer in Wisconsin and Minnesota before arriving in Petaluma in June 1906. He maintained his Petaluma photographic studio on Western Avenue from that year until sometime in the early 1920s. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Rena Church Weyler. At the time this portrait was taken, the sitter would have been known by her maiden name, Rena Church.

Description: In this head-and-shoulder portrait, Rena Church (Weyler)is between nineteen and twenty-one years old. She looks into the distance holding an erect posture and conveying a dignified, although somewhat apprehensive, demeanor. Her dark hair is center parted and pulled to the back of her head. As was fashionable at the time, she wears a large bow, which has been attached to the back of her head, its loops projecting far beyond the edges of her face. She wears a Gibson Girl blouse distinguished by its white color, abundant application of lace, and high collar. Around her neck is a long chain holding a large round pendant.

Biographical Note: Rena was born and raised at her family’s ranch in Two Rock. She attended Walker School in Two Rock and Petaluma High School. The Petaluma Daily Morning Courier reported on August 5, 1907, that Rena was to marry Custer Ward of Cotati. Either the wedding did not take place, or the two were divorced. By 1908, Rena was, once again, referred to in the local papers as “Miss Rena Church”. Beginning in this year, Rena became active in the Two Rock Grange, often attending meetings with her parents. In 1908 Rena was elected to the position of Protector for the Petaluma Temple, No.104, Pythian Sisters, and in 1909 to the position of Manager. In February 1912, Rena and William J. Wesley were the prize winners of a whist tournament held by the Pythian Sisters, and the two married on August 4, 1912. They settled in Petaluma, and William was an employee of the Camp & Hedges Company. Rena died October 17, 1918, at the sanitarium in Redwood City, “where she had been receiving treatment and was recovering when she was taken ill with Spanish influenza and later developed pneumonia which was the immediate cause of death.” Rena died at the age of 28, only three months after brother, Lorin, died on the battlefield in France during World War I. Rena’s ashes were placed in the family plot in the Two Rock Cemetery, and Lorin’s body was buried at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial, Belleau, Department de L’Aisne, Picardie, France.

Family Affiliation: Rena Church Weyler was the second daughter of Petaluma pioneers, Walter A. Church and Minnie B. Warders Church, of Two Rock Valley. She was the sister of Lorin Jasper Church, Linnie Church Mack, Flora Church, Ralph Church, Amy Church, Earl Church, and Roy Church. Rena’s husband was William J. Weller, and together they had two sons, Jack Wesley, and Noel Wesley. Click here to be directed to a list of the other portraits of Church family members in this archive.

Bibliography: Petaluma Daily Morning Courier, August 5, 1907, p.1; Dec. 12, 1908, p.3; June 12, 1909, p.2; October 21, 1909, p.3; February 24, 1912, p.2; June 26, 1912, p.1; October 18, 1918, p.4. Petaluma Argus-Courier, July 22, 1909, p.2; October 18, 1918, p.8.



Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This card’s portrait is contained within an embossed, vertical oval, which is a darker gray than the card. Below the oval, and in the same darker gray, is an elaborate embellishment. The bottom edge of this card was roughly trimmed, cutting in half the photographer’s identifying mark which may be a printed imprint or his handwritten signature. On the bottom right of the card, handwritten in pencil is, “1910”.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil along the top edge is “Rena”.

Date: 1910

Condition: The sides and bottom edges of this card have been roughly trimmed, and there is slight foxing within the oval frame of the portrait.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1979-02-p29-p17

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.