Below in brown print is an alphabetical list of the Petaluma photographers whose portrait photographs are contained within this archive. By clicking on a photographer's name, you will access a page containing biographical information that focuses on the photographer’s association with the Petaluma community, bibliographical information that features references to the photographer published in Petaluma newspapers, and thumbnails of all the portraits by that photographer within this archive. The thumbnails are listed alphabetically, initially by the last name of the identified sitters and subsequently by a descriptive title of the unidentified sitters. By clicking on an individual thumbnail, you access an enlarged image of the portrait and specific information about it and the sitter(s).

Please note that below the blue sorting letters are links to Non-Petaluma Photographers and Unidentified Photographers whose portrait photographs of identified Petalumans are within this archive.

*If the photographer included only the name of their studio in their portraits’ imprint, that photographer has been cross-referenced to the studio.