Whitney, Susan Durgin Eastman (1832-1899) (2 of 2)

Oil Painting by C.W. Bowles of lewis dowe’s portrait photograph of Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney


Biographical Note: In 1861, Susan traveled to California by the Panama Route with her four children to join her husband, Albion Paris Whitney, who had been working in the lumber business in Placer County. They settled in Petaluma, and Albion became a well-known and respected Petaluma businessman and California state senator. They were prominent Petaluma citizens, and raised their large family in their fashionable home at 320 Sixth Street. It was recorded that as a widow, Susan managed the businesses her husband had created, and, as executrix of his estate, “carried out his wishes to the letter.” Also, after Albion’s death, Susan became a significant leader in the women’s suffrage movement in Petaluma. She was reputed to have been a very charitable and kind woman and was an active member of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star and of the Episcopal Church.

Family Affiliation: Susan Whitney was the wife of early Petaluma pioneer and state senator, Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884). She was the daughter-in-law of Olive Parlin Whitney. Her children were: Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, Albion Harvey Whitney and Clara Whitney Spears.



Format / Size:


Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Unidentified Women (2024-PV-06)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of two unidentified women


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: tin type

Description, front:

Description, back:

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Pete Vilmur Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Peoples, Ova M (2 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Ova M Peoples


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Ova M. Peoples


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The Cyndi Logan Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Cromwell, Franklin Arlington

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of franklin arlington cromwell


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Franklin Arlington Cromwell


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The Cyndi Logan Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Peoples, Stuart Zeno (1878-1943)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Stuart zeno peoples


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Stuart Zeno Peoples


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The Cyndi Logan Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Bock, Josephine (Josie) Emma (1863 -1939) (2 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Josephine Emma Bock


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Josephine (Josie) Emma Bock

Description: Josephine Emma Bock stands facing to the right and, as though interrupted, turns her head to the viewer with a matter-of-fact gaze. With a gentle and possessive gesture, she grasps, with both hands, a book that has been positioned vertically on top of another book that rests horizontally on a small Eastlake side table. The arrangement of her hands, the books, and the table creates an elegant composition that reflects the verticality of her body. She is attired in a long, corseted, cuirass bodice and matching bustled skirt. Her bodice is of simple design, but her skirt hem has a boxed flounce and dark satin trimming. Around her neck is a white crocheted scarf. Her hair has been center-parted, crimped to create fashionable waves, and pulled to the back of her head.

Biographical Note: Josephine Emma Bock was born on August 29, 1863, and died at age 75 on January 30, 1939. In 1877 Bock was attending school in Petaluma’s Dunham District and was reported to be among the most outstanding students. She was mentioned in the society pages of the Petaluma newspapers throughout her life. Her funeral service was held at the Two Rock Valley Presbyterian Church, and she was interred at the Liberty Cemetery in Petaluma.

Family Affiliation: Josephine Emma Bock was the daughter of David Bock (1822-1887) and Lucy Renn Bock (1828-1896) who were among the earliest pioneer settlers of the Roblar and Stony Point district. Her siblings included William A. Bock (1852-1871), Blanche Elizabeth Bock (died 1926), Edward H. Bock (died 1919), John P. Bock, Kate Bock Magoon, Andrew Bock, Walter Bock (1861-1903), and George Bock.

Bibliography: Petaluma Argus-Courier, February 20, 1926, p. 1; March 22, 1928, p.7; Jan 21, 1933, p. 5; March 26, 1934, p. 8; January 31, 1939, p.3. Petaluma Daily Morning Courier, Feb. 21, 1919, p. 4. Petaluma Weekly Argus, April 6, 1877, p. 4; Sept. 28, 1877, p. 4. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15860050/josephine-bock.


Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait is mounted on a gray cabinet card and surrounded by an ecru boarder with an elaborate design. Lewis Dowe’s imprint runs along the bottom edge of the card.

Description, back: Handwritten in black ink along the bottom of the card is “Josie Bock”.

Date: c. 1879 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is in good condition.

Owner:  The Cyndi Logan Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Grover, William Silver (1875-?) (3 of 5)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of William silver Grover


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: William Silver Grover


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The James Allen Family Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Grover, William Silver (1875-?) (2 of 5) (Copy)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of William silver Grover


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: William Silver Grover


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The James Allen Family Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Grover, William Silver (1875-?) (1 of 5)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of William silver Grover


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: William Silver Grover


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The James Allen Family Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Grover, Flora (2 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Flora Grover


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Flora Grover


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The James Allen Family Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Grover, Benjamin Percy (2 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Benjamin Percy Grover


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Benjamin Percy Grover


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:



Owner:  The James Allen Family Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

“Gentleman With a Powerful Gaze and Disheveled Hair”

Lewis dowe’s Portrait Photograph of a “Gentleman with a powerful gaze and disheveled hair”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This is a masterful portrait of an elderly gentleman. The photographer skillfully created the composition to direct the viewers’ focus to the gentleman’s face. His jacket, vest, and white shirt are blurred while his face is in crisp focus. The man has a bold and powerful, yet calm and benign gaze, and, although elderly, his eyes are clear and focused. The beautiful youthfulness of his eyes is made all the more striking by their contrast with his surrounding facial hair which is a wiry combination of dark and grey, and the disheveled wisps of hair at the top of his blading head.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s signature imprint appears on the bottom left of this cabinet card, and the location of his studio appears in capital letters on the right.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only its accession number.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is in good condition.

Owner:  Pete Vilmur Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

“Young Girl Attired in a Ruffled Dress Holding a Doll”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of a “young girl attired in a ruffled dress holding a doll”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: In this carte de visite, a young girl sits in a studio chair, her right forearm and hand resting on its fringed single arm. Her legs are crossed at her ankles while her feet adorably dangle above the floor. With a matter-of-fact demeanor, she looks directly at the viewer. In her left arm, she holds a doll that has been allowed to flop backward, its legs and feet projecting from under its long, white dress. The little girl wears a below-the-knee dress with pleats and ruffles at the neck, wrists, and hem. She wears white leggings and Mary Jane shoes. Around her neck is a small, stiff, white collar and a distinctive necklace of white beads. Her hair is center parted and set behind her ears by a dark headband topped with white embellishments.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: A fringed studio chair and floral carpet appear in this portrait.

Description, back: In the center of the back of this carte de visite, Lewis Dowe’s four line imprint has been printed on the diagonal.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This carte de visite is in good condition.

Owner:  Pete Vilmur Collection, digital copy by permission.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Unidentified Child 2022-952-01-pg47c

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of an unidentified child


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2022-952-01-pg47c, Schwobeda/Bloom/Taylor/DeMartin Family & Friends Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Unidentified Boy 2022-952-01-pg44a

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of an unidentified boy


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2022-952-01-pg44a, Schwobeda/Bloom/Taylor/DeMartin Family & Friends Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Unidentified Woman 2022-952-01-pg32b

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of an unidentified woman


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2022-952-01-pg32b, Schwobeda/Bloom/Taylor/DeMartin Family & Friends Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Unidentified Man 2022-952-01-pg34b

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of an unidentified man


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified


Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back:

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2022-952-01-pg34b, Schwobeda/Bloom/Taylor/DeMartin Family & Friends Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Spear, Clara Whitney (1873-1954)(2 of 4)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara, Marcella, and Albion Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Clara Whitney Spear, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, and Albion “Albie” Whitney (At the time this portrait was taken, Clara and Marcella would have been known by their maiden name, Whitney.)

Description: This is a masterful portrait of three young siblings. Clara, approximately 4 years of age, sits on a fringed studio chair with her feet dangling above the floor. She is attired in a dark dress with a double row of buttons and a white side ruffle which runs the length of her dress and borders the attached matching shawl. Her petticoat is revealed, peaking under the front of her dress’s hem. She wears white leggings and dark, leather, side-snap, boots. Marcella, approximately 10 years of age, stands behind her sister and brother and is attired in a dark dress with a front strip of fabric which is embellished with buttons and a diagonal cross design. She wears a white lace ruff and a necklace which ends in what is most probably a locket. Albion, approximately 7 years of age, stands on the viewer’s right and affectionally rests his right hand on Clara’s left wrist. He is dressed in a formal, cutaway, jacket with decorative side buttons. Beneath, he wears a matching piped vest and knickers.

Biographical Note: Clara Whitney was raised in Petaluma. She attended Mills College in Oakland, California and was married in 1893 at the age of 20 to Lewis Eugene Spear. Clara died at the age of 81 in Santa Barbara, California but was buried in Petaluma’s Cypress Lawn Memorial Park.

Family Affiliation: Clara Whitney Spear was the seventh and last child of the prominent Petaluma pioneers Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884) and Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney (1832-1917). Her father was a California State Senator and wealthy businessman. Her mother managed the family business after his death and was an active participant in the women’s suffrage movement. Her paternal grandmother was Olive Parlin Whitney, and her siblings were Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, and Albion Harvey Whitney. Clara’s husband was Lewis Eugene Spear (1867-1953). He was a California business man who organized the Pacific Steel and Wire Company in San Francisco and later established the Pacific Wire Rope Company in Los Angeles.



Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is a masterful portrait of three siblings. The brilliantly harmonious arrangement of the children is strengthened by the arched matte and uncluttered background. The photographer has posed the children in a classic pyramidal composition. He angled Clara and Albion to serve as compositional parenthesis and placed Marcella to serve as the exclamation mark.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil is, “Albie”, “Ella” and “Clara”. Handwritten in cursive in black ink in the lower right is, “Clark Family”. This is not a reference to the sitters, but, most probably, to the owners of the cabinet card.

Date: 1876 or 1877

Condition: Both the front and the back of this card are soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-03

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Spear, Clara Whitney (1873-1954) (1 of 4)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Clara Whitney Spear (When this portrait was taken, the sitter would have been known by her maiden name, Whitney.)

Description: In this portrait Clara appears to be 3 or 4 years old. She stands leaning on the armrest of Dowe’s fringed studio chair. She looks directly and calmly at the camera. She is dressed in a luxurious, heavily embroidered, dark, velvet, coat which fastens up the front with large white buttons latched together with braided soutache fasteners. Around her neck is a large white lace collar and what appears to be a white beaded necklace.

Biographical Note: Clara Whitney was raised in Petaluma. She attended Mills College in Oakland, California and was married in 1893 at the age of 20 to Lewis Eugene Spear. Clara died at the age of 81 in Santa Barbara, California but was buried in Petaluma’s Cypress Lawn Memorial Park.

Family Affiliation: Clara Whitney Spear was the seventh and last child of the prominent Petaluma pioneers Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884) and Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney (1832-1917). Her father was a California State Senator and wealthy businessman. Her mother managed the family business after his death and was an active participant in the women’s suffrage movement. Her paternal grandmother was Olive Parlin Whitney, and her siblings were Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, and Albion Harvey Whitney. Clara’s husband was Lewis Eugene Spear (1867-1953). He was a California business man who organized the Pacific Steel and Wire Company in San Francisco and later established the Pacific Wire Rope Company in Los Angeles.



Format / Size:  carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back: Handwritten in print in pencil is: “Clara Whitney”. Below in the center of the card appears Lewis Dowe’s imprint printed on a diagonal.

Date: 1878 or 1879

Condition: This card is soiled on both sides, and the top edge has been trimmed and left with a ragged edge.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-09

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Cady, Emma S. Elder Coggeshall (1857-1933)(6 of 6)



LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Emma S. Elder Coggeshall Cady. At the time this portrait was taken, the sitter’s name was most probably Emma S. Elder Coggeshall. The surname of her first husband whom she married in 1877 was Coggeshall.

Description: In this cabinet card portrait, Emma S. Elder Coggeshall is standing, wearing a bustled, white, lace dress with full-length sleeves. She wears white gloves and carries a white fan. At her neck is a corsage, and she wears large drop earrings. Curls adorn her forehead and her wavy hair is pulled into a large twisted bun at the crown of her head. She is adorned in bridal fashion, and this portrait quite probably commemorates her wedding to her first husband, whose surname was Coggeshall.

Biographical Note: As a student and young women Emma was mentioned often in Petaluma papers’ society section. She received her certificate to teach in the Petaluma Public School system in 1876. In 1919, she was living at A and Sixth Streets.

Family Affiliation: Emma S. Elder Coggeshall Cady was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, William Elder (1812-1876) and Sarah C. Elder (1819-1891). The Elders were a prominent family in Petaluma. William Elder, born in Scotland, was Petaluma’s first mayor, the first chairman of the Petaluma Board of Trustees, and one of the founders of the Petaluma Congregational church. William Elder also founded, with George Harris, the general merchandising store in Petaluma, Harris & Elder. In 1877, Emma married a man named Coggeshall and with him had three children. Their daughter, Catherine Coggeshall (1884-1982), married Malcolm Lyman Byce (1890-1919) in 1912. Emma later named a man whose surname was Cady.



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.5 x 14.5 cm  

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: The painted backdrop of this portrait depicts an interior room with grand architectural details and was obviously selected to compliment the formal aspect of the portrait.

Description, back: Handwritten in script in black ink along the top edge of the card is: “May, 1877”. Handwritten in script in pencil is: “Em. Cogswell nee Elder”. Handwritten in block lettering in blue ink along the bottom is: “Emma Coggeshall”.

Date: May 1877

Condition: This portrait is in good condition; however, approximately 1/8 of an inch have been hand cut from both the top and bottom edges.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1985-X-33

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

“Young Man Wearing a Derby Hat Riding in a Cart Pulled by a Donkey”

Lewis Dowe’s Pastiche Portrait Photograph of a



LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: Only the face and Derby hat of this unidentified young man are included in this pastiche portrait. He looks directly at the camera with a sly grin. He sports a thin chevron mustache, and his dark hair, appearing appropriately wind-blown, waves above his left ear.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is an unusual carte de visite which has juxtaposed the photographic portrait of an unidentified young man’s face on top of a cartoon image depicting the body of a dapper man with an umbrella tucked under his arm sitting in a donkey drawn cart followed by a small animal. It is a purposefully bizarre image. To determine its meaning and intent requires further research. Handwritten in black ink in the lower right corner is what appears to be either “1877” or “1879”.

Description, back: The photographer’s imprint appears on a diagonal: “L. Dowe”, “Photographer,”, “Petaluma,”, Cal.”.

Date: 1877 or 1879

Condition: This card is soiled on both sides, and the bottom of the back side has puckered, most probably due to exposure to moisture.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2017-13-01

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Gale, Mary Hester Towner (1851-1931)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Mary Hester Towner Gale


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Mary Hester Towner Gale

Description: Mary Hester Towner Gale is seated in a fringed-arm studio chair and looks directly at the camera with an assertive but unemotional demeanor. Her hair has been parted off-center and combed to each side, and she wears a rope of braided hair at the crown of her head. She is dressed in a dark, front-buttoned, form-fitting, corseted basque jacket which is decorated elaborately at the collar and cuffs with satin trim and soutache embroidery. She wears a wedding ring, long pendant earrings, a large brooch at her neck, and a long tasseled chain. She wears a fringed white neck scarf, and the white lace of her under blouse’s collar and cuffs are visible. In her right hand she holds a book or sheet of paper, the text of which is not legible.

Biographical Note: Mary H. Towner was born in Taylor County, Iowa. As a child she crossed the plains with her parents and settled in Green Valley, California. It was reported that Mary Towner Gale was a devout Methodist and lived at 223 Howard Street in Petaluma for many years. She was buried in Cypress Hill Memorial Park in Petaluma.

Family Affiliation: Mary’s parents were early California pioneers, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Towner. In 1869 she married Petaluman, Otis Seldon Gale (1849-1933).



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 11 x 16 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: The photographer’s imprint appears along the front bottom edge of this cabinet card.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in black ink at the top of the back of this portrait are, “Mrs Otis Gale” and “Howard St”.

Date: Between September 1875 and March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is in very good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1979-80-02

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Ivancovich, Clara Belle Sproul Jewell (1858-1939)(1 of 4)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara Belle Sproul



LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Clara Belle Sproul Jewell Ivancovich. At the time this portrait was taken, the sitter would have been known by her maiden name, Clara Belle Sproul.

Description: In this head-and-shoulder carte de visite, Clara Belle Sproul Jewell Ivancovich is nineteen years old. She has short, curly, bangs, and the remainder of her hair is pulled up into a bun at the back of her head. She wears a close-fitting jacket with a shawl lapel. Her white lace ruff is adorned with what appears to be a brooch, and around her neck, tied in a bow, is a white, crocheted, fringed scarf.

Biographical Note: Clara Belle was born in 1853 in Canton, Illinois and moved with her family to Petaluma at age ten. She graduated from Petaluma High School in 1877 and may have then attended the “Normal Classes” conducted at Petaluma High School which prepared high school graduates to be primary teachers. She was a skilled musician, composer, journalist, playwright, novelist, and poet. She sang in the Methodist Church Choir, taught piano lessons in her home, and wrote the anthem for the San Francisco District Federated Women’s Clubs. Originals and early copies of several of Clara’s literary creations are housed at the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, including her journals, her novella Adele La Croix, and several poems. Also housed at the PHL&M is her autograph book, which is signed by many of her classmates several who eventually became prominent Petalumans, and a copy of the anthology Singing Years which contains five of her poems. (See her bibliography below for access to digital copies of several of these artifacts.) Unfortunately, copies of some of her works have not been found, including a one-act play entitled Discretion and a pageant performed at Petaluma’s 1923 Butter & Egg Days Celebration entitled Princess Petaluma. As a long-time member of the Petaluma Woman’s Club, Clara Belle contributed news of the club in an Argus-Courier column and served as chairwoman of the Literary and Choral Committee and as President in 1917 and 1918.

Family Affiliation: Clara Belle was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, Roxanne Cordelia King Sproul (1826-1908) and John Sproul. Roxanne was a landlady and early suffragist, and John was a Civil War Veteran and construction contractor. On October 30, 1878, Clara Belle married Petaluman, John Elliott Jewell (1852-1932). The marriage ended in divorce in 1897, and in 1898, at the age of 40, she married the Petaluma medical doctor, George Ivancovich (1850-1924).



Format / Size: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: According to the inscription, this portrait commemorates Clara Belle’s graduation from Petaluma High School in 1877. For another portrait which is strikingly similar and concurrent with this one, see Lewis Dowe’s portrait of Clara Belle’s classmate, Emma Elder.

Description, back: Handwritten in black ink in cursive at the top of the card is, “Class Picture”, and “May 18th 1877.”. At the bottom of the card in a distinctly different handwriting in blue ink in cursive appears, “Aunt Clara”. A mailing label with the address of the donor has been applied to the right side.

Date: May 18th, 1877

Condition: This carte de visite is soiled, and there is a crease in the top half running horizontally from the center to the left side.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2014-791-29

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.



Leppo, Clara McNear (1881-1979)(1 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey Williams & Clara McNear


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey Williams & Clara McNear Leppo. When this portrait was taken the baby would have been known by her maiden name, Clara McNear.

Description: In this double portrait Clara McNear is the baby held by her great-great-grandmother, Elizabeth Bailey Williams. Baby Clara is dressed in a white lace gown which contrasts dramatically with William’s black jacket and skirt. In an intricate and intimate composition, Williams’s left hand supports Clara’s back and the enlarged middle or index finger of her right hand is clasped by the fingers of the baby’s right hand. Williams wears glasses and gazes directly at the viewer while the square-faced baby looks off to the viewer’s right. Williams’s cuff and dropped waist jacket is edged in dark satin. A stiff, white, ruffled collar surrounds her neck, and a white, lace jabot falls almost to her waist. This great-great-grandmother has very dark hair which is parted in the middle. Her ruffled bonnet is decorated with white flowers and is fastened at the neck with a lighter colored ribbon.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: Clara McNear Leppo was born in 1881 to Petaluma pioneers, George Plummer McNear (1857-1947) and Jennie Otis McNear (1857-1883). She married David Harrison Leppo (1876-1928) in 1902, and was buried in Petaluma’s Cypress Hill Memorial Park in 1979.

Bibliography: Elizabeth Bailey Williams & Clara McNear Leppo PDF


Format: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This masterful double portrait is framed within an arched, ecru, mat which is edged in light blue. The photographer’s imprint runs along the bottom blue strip; on the left is the photographer’s signature presented in cursive letters, “L Dowe”, and on the right in block print is “PETALUMA, CAL”. Hand written in blue ink cursive along the bottom ecru strip is written, “Mrs Betsy Williams 90 years, Clara McNear 5 mos. Great great grd”.

Description, back: Hand written in black ink cursive along on the top: Mrs Betsy Williams 90 years. Clara McNear 5 months. Great-Great-Grand Mother”. Written in black ink cursive along the bottom: “for Mrs. Maria Wright from Mrs. Eliza Garrett”. (Eliza Jane Williams Garrett (1813-1884) was the daughter of Elizabeth Bailey Williams.)

Date: 1881

Condition: slight foxing throughout

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2006-1-78

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Williams, Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey (1792-1882)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey Williams and Clara McNear Leppo


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Elizabeth “Betsy” Bailey Williams & Clara McNear Leppo

Description: In this masterful double portrait, Elizabeth Bailey Williams is depicted holding her great-great-grandaughter, Clara McNear Leppo. William’s black jacket and skirt contrast dramatically with the baby’s white lace gown, creating a striking composition. In an intricate and intimate composition, Williams’s left hand supports the baby’s back and the enlarged middle or index finger of her right hand is clasped by the fingers of the baby’s right hand. Williams wears glasses and gazes directly at the viewer while the square-faced baby looks off to the viewer’s right. Williams’s cuff and dropped waist jacket are edged in dark satin. A stiff, white, ruffled collar surrounds her neck, and a white, lace jabot falls almost to her waist. William’s center-parted hair is surprisingly very dark. She appears to be wearing a dark bonnet or braided and curled hairpiece which rests on the crown of her head and falls to cover her ears. Elizabeth Bailey Williams & Clara McNear Leppo PDF

Biographical Note: Elizabeth Bailey Williams was born in Woolwich, Maine in 1792 and was buried in 1882 in Petaluma’s Cypress Hill Memorial Park. According to her grandson, George Roscoe Williams (1839-1934), she was left a widow in her late twenties with seven children to raise. She provided for them by running a grocery and dry goods store in Wiscasset, Maine. In the course of her lifetime she moved extensively within the United States. In the spring of 1853 she departed Maine with her granddaughter, Clara Williams McNear, and several other family members to settle in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Due to the tension preceding the Civil War, she returned to Wiscasset in 1859. Her decision to move to Petaluma later in her life was undoubedtly motivated by her desire to be with her son and grandchildren.

Family Affiliation: Elizabeth Bailey Williams was the mother of Petaluma pioneer, George Bailey Williams (1809-1899); the grandmother of George Roscoe Williams (1839-1934) and Clara Williams McNear (1837-1866); and the great grandmother of Clara McNear Leppo (1881-1979). https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/72920010/betsy-elizabeth-williams.



Format: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This masterful double portrait is framed within an arched, ecru, mat which is edged in light blue. The photographer’s imprint runs along the bottom blue strip; on the right is the photographer’s signature presented in cursive letters, “L Dowe”, and on the right in block print is “PETALUMA, CAL”. Hand written, in blue ink cursive along the bottom ecru strip is written, “Mrs Betsy Williams 90 years, Clara McNear 5 mos. Great great grd”.

Description, back: Hand written in black ink cursive along on the top: Mrs Betsy Williams 90 years. Clara McNear 5 months. Great-Great-Grand Mother”. Written in black ink cursive along the bottom: “for Mrs. Maria Wright from Mrs. Eliza Garrett”. (Eliza Jane Williams Garrett (1813-1884) was the daughter of Elizabeth Bailey Williams.)

Date: 1881

Condition: slight foxing throughout

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2006-1-78

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Gale, Otis Seldon (1849-1933)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Otis Seldon Gale


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Otis Seldon Gale

Description: This cabinet card portrays Otis Seldon Gale as a middle- aged man with a receding hairline and a bushy goatee. Gale is dressed formally in a dark suit, white shirt, and dark bow tie tucked under his collar. Looped through the top button of his vest is a chain which most probably ended in a watch resting in his vest or jacket pocket.

Biographical Note: Otis Seldon Gale was born in Scotland County, Missouri and moved with his parents to California at the age of 5. He was raised in Bodega and married Mary Hester Towner in 1869. Otis and Mary moved into Petaluma in 1887 and lived at 223 Howard Street. Gale worked for the B. F. Cox Express and Draying Company and for the Carlson Currier Silk Mill. He died in New York while living with his daughter, Eliza Maude Gale Atkinson (1882-1968), but he was buried in Cypress Hill Memorial Park in Petaluma.

Family Affiliation: Otis Seldon Gale was the eldest son of Petaluma pioneers, Lorenzo Dow Gale (1828-1907) and Eliza Ann Wilfley Gale (1830-1916). He was named after his uncle, Otis Gale (1832-1927) who lived in Santa Rosa. See the companion portrait of his wife, Mary Hester Towner Gale (1851-1931).



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 11 x 16 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: In this three-quarter view portrait the sitter looks to the viewer’s right. He is seated in a striped studio chair which can be partially seen in the bottom left of the composition. The photographer’s imprint appears along the bottom edge.

Description, back: Handwritten in black ink in cursive at the top left of the back of this cabinet card are, “Mr Otis Gale” and “Howard St”.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is in very good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1979-80-01

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Ivancovich, Clara Belle Sproul Jewell (1858-1939)(2 of 4)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara Belle Sproul



LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Clara Belle Sproul Jewell Ivancovich. When this portrait was taken, the sitter would have been known by her maiden name, Clara Belle Sproul.

Description: In this cabinet card, Clara Belle Sproul Jewell Ivancovich is portrayed as a young woman seated at a table looking up from the book she is reading. In a feminine gesture, the fingers of her left hand touch the left side of her face, and her right hand appears to mark a place in her book. She wears a dark skirt and matching jacket with elaborately decorated cuffs. She also wears a white, lace ruff and a white, lace, scarf tied in a bow. Her forehead is adorned with short tight curls, and the remainder of her hair appears to fall down her back.

Biographical Note: Clara Belle was born in 1853 in Canton, Illinois and moved with her family to Petaluma at age ten. She graduated from Petaluma High School in 1877 and may have then attended the “Normal Classes” conducted at Petaluma High School which prepared high school graduates to be primary teachers. She was a skilled musician, composer, journalist, playwright, novelist, and poet. She sang in the Methodist Church Choir, taught piano lessons in her home, and wrote the anthem for the San Francisco District Federated Women’s Clubs. Originals and early copies of several of Clara’s literary creations are housed at the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, including her journals, her novella Adele La Croix, and several poems. Also housed at the PHL&M is her autograph book signed by many prominent Petalumans and a copy of the anthology entitled Singing Years which contains five of her poems. (See her bibliography below for access to digital copies of several of these artifacts.) Unfortunately, copies of several of her works have not been found, including a one-act play entitled Discretion and a pageant performed at Petaluma’s 1923 Butter & Egg Days Celebration entitled Princess Petaluma. As a long-time member of the Petaluma Woman’s Club, Clara Belle contributed news of the club in an Argus-Courier column and served as chairwoman of the Literary and Choral Committee and as President in 1917 and 1918.

Family Affiliation: Clara Belle was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, Roxanne Cordelia King Sproul (1826-1908) and John Sproul. Roxanne was a landlady and early suffragist, and John was a Civil War Veteran and construction contractor. On October 30, 1878, Clara Belle married Petaluman, John Elliott Jewell (1852-1932). The marriage ended in divorce in 1897, and in 1898, at the age of 40, she married the Petaluma medical doctor, George Ivancovich (1850-1924).



Format / Size: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait masterfully captures the image of a lovely young woman looking up as though interrupted from her studies.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil along the top edge of the card is, “to J E Jewell”. (John Elliott Jewell was Clara Bell’s first husband to whom she was briefly married.) Printed on a diagonal in the center of the back is the photographer’s imprint, “L Dowe, Photographer, Petaluma, Cal.” Attached along the bottom of the card is a sticker containing the address of the donor.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: All four corners of this carte de visite are stained.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2014-791-35

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 


“Young Man With A Piercing Gaze”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of a “YOung Man With a Piercing Gaze”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: In this head-and-shoulders portrait a young man with piercing eyes looks into the distance. He has short-cut, wavy hair and a sparse walrus mustache. His jacket has large, unusual, lapels, and he wears his English cutaway collar unfolded revealing the neck band of his dark bow tie.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint appears along the bottom edge of this card.

Description, back: The back side of this card is either blank, or it contains only an accession number.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This card is soiled, and there are two stains on its right side.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2004-315-03-p18-p18

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

“Handsome Young Man With a Bushy Mustache & Eyebrows”

 Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “Handsome Young Man With Bushy mustache & eyebrows”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This carte de visite portrays a very handsome and dapper young man. He gazes with a slight squint imparting the appearance of an intense demeanor. He is dressed in a fashionable wool jacket with the collar section of his lapel in a contrasting dark velvet. The top button of his vest is not buttoned, and looped through its button hole is a watch chain. Under the wide-spread collar of his white shirt is a knotted neck tie. He is very well groomed. His dark hair has been oiled and combed back away from his face. His eyebrows and chevron mustache are thick and bushy.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: This portrait remains, as donated to the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, in the McCleave Family Album.



Format / Size:  carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back: Lewis Dowe’s imprint appears on a diagonal in the center of this card.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: The front of this card is slightly soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2004-315-03-p40-p40, McCleave Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

“Infant Wearing a White Gown and a Long Necklace”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of an “Infant in a White Gown Wearing a Chained Locket”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: In this cabinet card a seated infant is portrayed wearing a voluminous, white, lace, gown and a long necklace which appears to end in an oval locket.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait has been set within a an arched format, and along the bottom edge is Lewis Dowe’s imprint.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is either blank or contains only an accession number.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is soiled and stained. On the bottom left edge are numerous black spots.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1992-IDI-06-p19-p17

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Infant With an Ankle Band”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “Infant With an Ankle Band”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This baby lounges with its hands at either side and one leg protruding from under its scalloped, lace hem. Around its ankle is a dark band.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint in the form of his signature appears on the bottom left, and along the bottom right is written, “Petaluma, Cal”.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only its accession number.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This card is soiled, and its top half retains the residue of another paper product which most probably rested upon it for many years.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1992-IDI-06-p27-p25

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Mature Woman Elegantly Coiffed and Attired”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of a “Mature Woman Elegantly Coiffed and Attired”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This head-and-shoulders portrait depicts an elegantly coiffed and attired mature woman. Her dark eyes look attentively and confidently up and to her right. Her hair is meticulously arranged. Waved sections of hair fall from both sides of her center part, and mounded behind the part is a bun adorned with dark beads. Down her left side fall three, long, glossy sausage curls which may be a switch hairpiece. A large, pendant earring hangs from her left earlobe; a prominent brooch is pinned just below her velvet scarf; and a heavy cord ending in an elaborate knot surrounds her neck. She wears a textured jacket with shoulder pleats and a butterfly lapel in a contrasting fabric.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint in the form of his signature appears on the bottom left edge. Along the bottom right edge is printed, “Petaluma, Cal”.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only an accession number

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is soiled and has dark stains along its right boarder and one above the photographer’s imprint on the lower left.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1992-IDI-06-p8-p8, Harris/Lodge Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Young Woman With Two, Long, Sausage Curls”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of a “Young Woman With Two, Long, Sausage curls”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This young woman has an unusual coiffure. The hair atop her head is center-parted and has a wavy, frizzy, texture, but down her left side fall two, long, thick, glossy, perfectly arranged sausage curls. This leads the viewer to speculate that the sausage curls may be a switch hairpiece. Additionally, a single curl of hair drapes in front of her left ear. Around her neck she wears a dark lace scarf which appears to be held at her neck with a bar pin.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: Carter Family, see similar portrait by Dowe of a Carter Family member which may be the sitter’s relative.



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: On the bottom edge of this cabinet card is Lewis Dow’s imprint.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only an accession number,

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is soiled and has two spots on its right side.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-45-p26-p21, Farquar Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Young Woman With a Single Sausage Curl Along Her Left Side”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “Young Woman With a

Single Sausage Curl Along Her Left Side”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This young woman has an unusual coiffure. The crown of her head is adorned with disheveled, soft, wispy, curls, but down her left side falls a single, thick, glossy, perfectly arranged sausage curl. This leads the viewer to speculate that the sausage curl may be a switch hairpiece. Around her neck she wears a dark lace scarf and a short necklace. A heavy earring dangles from her left ear, and a large brooch is pinned below the knot of her scarf.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: Carter Family



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint appears along the bottom edge.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only an accession number

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This card is slightly soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-45-p11-p9, Farquar Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Young Man With a Sparse Mustache”

 Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “Young Man With a Sparse Mustache”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: This young man’s light-colored eyes appear dull and emotionless. His coiffure is elaborate. The hair at the top of his head is combed to the side with a distinct section set apart on his forehead. The sides of his hair are combed straight back, and he sports long sideburns and a faint, pencil, mustache. He is dressed formally in a jacket and matching vest. The collar of his white shirt is turned up, and he wears a dark bow tie.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size: carte de visite

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait is set within an oval format.

Description, back: Lewis Dowe’s imprint appears diagonally.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This card is soiled throughout.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2004-315-03-p42-p42, McCleave Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Farquar, Ben Harold (1881-1965) (1 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Frederick Stuart Farquar and Ben Harold Farquar


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Frederick Stuart Farquar and Ben Harold Farquar

Description: In this cabinet card, Frederick Stuart Farquar is between 2 and 3 years old, and his brother, Ben Harold Farquar, is between 1 and 2 years old. Seated upon a fur blanket on the viewer’s left, Frederick, with prominent, dark, curly hair, is attired in a short, dark, front-buttoned dress with a large flounced hem. The piece of white lace which has been tied around his neck may be a bib worn in reverse. He also wears dark leggings and leather boots. Seated in a highchair on the viewer’s right, Ben, with smooth blond hair, is attired in a white dress, striped leggings and dark leather boots.

Biographical Note: Ben Harold Farquar was raised in Petaluma and served in the Spanish-American war in Company C. He worked as a building contractor in Petaluma, Woodland, and San Francisco, California.

Family Affiliation: Frederick and Ben were the sons of Petaluma pioneers, Mary Irene Clark Farquar (1858-1941), and Calvin Stuart Farquar (1848-1908). Ben married Elaine Wever of Woodland, California in 1906. In July of 1933, he married poetess Agnes Stephens (1888-1976) of Petaluma. Ben was buried in Golden Gate National Cemetery in San Bruno, California, and Agnes was buried beside Vivian Cullen Noonan (1902-1982) in Petaluma’s Calvary Catholic Cemetery. There are many additional portraits of Farquar family members in this archive.



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint in the form of his signature appears along the bottom left edge. Along the bottom right edge is “Petaluma, Cal”.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only an accession number

Date: late 1881 - March 1882

Condition: The top half of this card is heavily stained.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-44-p23-p44

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

Cady, Emma S. Elder Coggeshall (1857-1933) (5 of 6)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Emma S. Elder Coggeshall


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Emma S. Elder Coggeshall Cady. At the time this portrait was taken, the sitter’s name was most probably Emma S. Elder Coggeshall. It has been assumed that this is a wedding portrait, and the surname of Emma’s first husband, whom she married in 1877, was Coggeshall.

Description: This cabinet card portrait was taken at the same time as another portrait of Emma in which she is standing. In both portraits she wears the same white lace dress, large drop earrings, and corsage. In both portraits, curls adorn her forehead and her wavy hair is pulled into a large twisted bun at the crown of her head. She is adorned in bridal fashion, and both portraits quite probably commemorate her wedding to her first husband, whose surname was Coggeshall.

Biographical Note: As a student and young women Emma was mentioned often in Petaluma papers’ society section. She received her certificate to teach in the Petaluma Public School system in 1876. In 1919, she was living at A and Sixth Streets.

Family Affiliation: Emma S. Elder Coggeshall Cady was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, William Elder (1812-1876) and Sarah C. Elder (1819-1891). The Elders were a prominent family in Petaluma. William Elder, born in Scotland, was Petaluma’s first mayor, the first chairman of the Petaluma Board of Trustees, and one of the founders of the Petaluma Congregational church. William Elder also founded, with George Harris, the general merchandising store in Petaluma, Harris & Elder. In 1877, Emma married a man named Coggeshall and with him had three children. Their daughter, Catherine Coggeshall (1884-1982), married Malcolm Lyman Byce (1890-1919) in 1912. Emma later named a man whose surname was Cady.



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.5 x 14.5 cm  

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is a three-quarter view portrait in which the sitter’s image has been cropped just above the waistline.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil along the top edge of the card is, “Emma Elder”. Handwritten in cursive in pencil along the bottom is, “Property of Federica Olmsted”. The photographer’s imprint appears in the center, aligned on a vertical diagonal.

Date: May 1877

Condition: With the exception of a vertical scratch in the upper left, this portrait is in good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1984-289-06

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.


Cady, Emma S. Elder Coggeshall (1857-1933) (3 of 6)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Emma S. Elder


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Emma S. Elder Coggshall Cady. This portrait was most probably taken prior to the sitter’s first marriage, when she was known by her maiden name, Emma S. Elder.

Description: The sitter wears a dark velvet blouse with a lighter trimmed collar piped in the darker velvet fabric. Above this collar is a white, lace ruff and neck scarf tied in a bow. A large drop earring can be seen hanging from her left ear. Her center-parted hair has been combed and pulled to the back of her head. The condition of her hair leads one to conclude it has been repeatedly crimped.

Biographical Note: As a student and young woman, Emma was mentioned often in Petaluma papers’ society section. She received her certificate to teach in the Petaluma Public School system in 1876. In 1919, she was living at A and Sixth Streets.

Family Affiliation: Emma S. Elder Coggeshall Cady was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, William Elder (1812-1876) and Sarah C. Elder (1819-1891). The Elders were a prominent family in Petaluma. William Elder, born in Scotland, was Petaluma’s first mayor, the first chairman of the Petaluma Board of Trustees, and one of the founders of the Petaluma Congregational church. William Elder also founded, with George Harris, the general merchandising store in Petaluma, Harris & Elder. In 1877, Emma married a man named Coggeshall and with him had three children. Their daughter, Catherine Coggeshall (1884-1982), married Malcolm Lyman Byce (1890-1919) in 1912. Emma later named a man whose surname was Cady.



Format / Size: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is a head-and-shoulder portrait contained within a vertical oval.

Description, back: Written in black ink in all capitals along the top edge is, “EMMA ELDER”. The photographer’s imprint appears in the center diagonally aligned.

Date: The earliest date for this portrait is September of 1875 because that is when Lewis Dowe began working as a photographer in Petaluma. Given that the back of this portrait identifies Emma by her maiden name, the latest date for this portrait is most probably May of 1877 when she married, changing her name to Coggeshall. This portrait may commemorate Elder’s 1877 graduation from Petaluma High School; it is strikingly similar to, and concurrent with Clara Belle Sproul’s graduation portrait.

Condition: With the exception of the bottom right corner, this cabinet card is in good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1984-289-07

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Eastman, Flora Frances (1841-1863)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Flora Frances Eastman


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Flora Frances Eastman

Description: This is a head-and-shoulders carte de visite portrait of Flora Frances Eastman. She looks off into the distance to her left and poses with a calm demeanor. The front sections of her center-parted hair have been cut short, and the remainder of her hair may be long and pulled back into a bun. She wears a dark blouse with white, front, buttons. Her blouse has large, faux, lapels created by the application of three lines of black trimming over both of her shoulders. This type of chevron trimming was a typical form of decoration during and directly after the Civil War. She also wears a narrow, wide-spread, white, collar which is adorned with a small, oval, brooch at the center of her neck.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: Flora Frances Eastman was the sister of the Petaluma pioneer, Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney (1832-1917), and Charles Austin Eastman (1848-1916).



Format / Size: carte de visite, approximately 6.25 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait is set within a vertical oval.

Description, back: Handwritten in pencil in cursive along the top edge is, “Flora - Daujhter of Ottis + Florella Eastman”. Below this is written, “mother’s sister” followed by the initials “CWS”. The later most probably refers to the author of the inscription, Clara Whitney Spear (1873-1954), Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney’s daughter. The photographer’s imprint appears in the center of the card on a diagonal alignment. “L. DOWE, Photographer, Petaluma, Cal.”.

Date: This portrait is a curious anomaly: the photographer of this portrait, Lewis Dowe, worked in Petaluma between September 1875 and March 1882, but the sitter died February 8, 1863 at the age of 21. A possible explanation is that the sitter’s sister, Petaluman, Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney, engaged her favorite photographer, the very talented Lewis Dowe, to create a carte de visite copy from an earlier portrait of Flora. This would explain the flattened and wooden appearance of the image.

Condition: This portrait is soiled and has slight foxing throughout.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-15

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Haskins, Edna Eleanor (1874-1886)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Edna Eleanor Haskins


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Edna Eleanor Haskins

Description: This is a cabinet card portrait of Edna Eleanor Haskins as a child of 3 or 4 years of age. Haskins stands on a fringed studio chair and looks directly at the camera. The arm rest of the studio chair has been raised to serve to stabilize her as she stands on the seat cushion. Her hands are placed together on the arm-rest creating an image of a very composed toddler. She is wearing a light-colored, long-sleeved dress with soutache braiding on the bottom of the front panel. A white ruff circles her neck and wrists. She wears front-lace boots, and around her neck is a long chain which ends in a locket.

Biographical Note: Edna Eleanor Haskins was born in Petaluma and buried at the age of 12 in the Cypress Hill Memorial Park Cemetery in Petaluma.

Family Affiliation: Edna Eleanor Haskins was the daughter of Petaluma pioneers, Thomas J. Haskins (1842-1908) and Elizabeth E. Sterling Haskins (1852-1936). See the portrait of her brothers, Elmond Sterling Haskins (1877-1959) and Thomas Ranson Haskins (1880-1905) in this archive. According to an article written by Ed Mannion published in the Petaluma Argus-Courier, December 9, 1961, page 8, Elmond Sterling Haskins’ maternal grandfather was Charles B. Sterling, a crew member of the Treble, one of the earliest ships to venture to California.



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This portrait is set within a top-arched format.

Description, back: Handwritten in black ink in cursive at the top of the back of this cabinet card is, “Edna Eleanor Haskins Sister of Uncle Elmond Sterling Haskins”. Beneath this is the photographer’s imprint aligned on a vertical diagonal.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is heavily soiled and stained.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1986-IDI-02

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.


Mecham, Harrison Tyler Sr. (1833-1909)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Harrison Tyler Mecham Sr.


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Harrison Tyler Mecham Sr.

Description: This cabinet card portrait of Harrison Tyler Mecham Senior was taken as he approached early middle age. His carefully groomed beard and mustache are edged in grey and his hairline is significantly receded. Mecham wears a jacket with fashionably large, notched lapels and a matching vest with scalloped lapels. He wears a plain-front white shirt with a large, pointed collar under which is a black neck ring.

Biographical Note: Harrison Mecham was a highly admired Petaluma pioneer and philanthropist. A true “Renaissance Man,” he was a farmer, businessman and art patron, and the details of his professional and personal life were constantly reported in local newspapers.

In Missouri at the age of eighteen, Mecham met a group of old Californians who had served as guides to Commodore Stockton and joined them on their return west in the spring of 1848. The exciting story of his travels are told in detail by Tom Gregory in History of Sonoma County. Mecham successfully mined gold in California until 1853, after which he began accumulating parcels of land on the outskirts of Petaluma. Mecham became very wealthy raising animals and growing crops on what eventually became his 7,000 acre parcel.

Later in life, he placed 1,000 of those acres in the Harrison Mecham Relief Fund, the proceeds from which were used to benefit the poor of Petaluma. In an additional act of great charity which had enormous benefit for the community, he subdivided 1,500 acres of his land holdings into small tracts and sold them at a reasonable rate, making the purchase of a home possible for many Petalumans. In a very interesting act of civic charity, Mecham furnished the funds for the erection of a $1,000 drinking fountain located on Washington Street just up from the corner of Main Street. It was most likely a controversial work of art. It included a semi-nude statue of the Greek mythological cupbearer, Hebe, but also held strong temperance iconographical significance for the pre-prohibition era.

Mecham married his “child bride” Melissa Jane Stewart in 1853, but very little is known about her. In 1890 Mecham gave “Garden Valley Ranch” to their daughter, Isabel, as a gift when she married the Petaluma businessman, Walter S. Frisch. It was a landmark property partly due to the extensive grove of eucalyptus Mecham had planted along its border. Harrison Mecham PDF

Family Affiliation: Harrison Mecham was married to Melissa Jane Stewart Mecham (1837-1909).



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: On the left bottom edge of this cabinet card is the photographer’s imprint in the form of his signature, “L. Dowe”, and on the right is printed, “PETALUMA, CAL”.

Description, back: Hand written in black ink along the top edge is: “Harrison Mecham Sr.”.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is slightly soiled especially along the right edge.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2000-113-03

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Waugh, Henry 1978-80-38

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Henry Waugh & Mrs. Waugh


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Henry Waugh and Mrs. Waugh

Description: Carte de visite of Henry Waugh and his wife. Mrs. Waugh wears a corseted, bustled dress with bows on the skirt and blouse. There is cinched detailing along the skirt and sleeves, and pleated ruffles along the skirt's hemline. The collar of the dress is a lacy bow. Her hair is done in sausage curls. Her hand rest's on Henry's shoulder, who is sitting next to her. He wears a three-piece suit with a white tie and shirt. His arm rests on a studio prop table.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  carte de visite, approximately 6.5 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back: L. Dowe, Photographer, Petaluma, Cal.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-38

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Waugh, Mrs. Henry 1978-80-38

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Henry Waugh & Mrs. Waugh


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Henry Waugh and Mrs. Waugh

Description: Carte de visite of Henry Waugh and his wife. Mrs. Waugh wears a corseted, bustled dress with bows on the skirt and blouse. There is cinched detailing along the skirt and sleeves, and pleated ruffles along the skirt's hemline. The collar of the dress is a lacy bow. Her hair is done in sausage curls. Her hand rest's on Henry's shoulder, who is sitting next to her. He wears a three-piece suit with a white tie and shirt. His arm rests on a studio prop table.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  carte de visite, approximately 6.5 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back: L. Dowe, Photographer, Petaluma, Cal.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882


Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-38

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Whitney, Albion “Albie” Harvey (1870-1907) (4 of 5)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara, Ella & Albie Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Clara Whitney Spears, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, and Albion “Albie” Harvey Whitney (At the time this portrait was taken, Clara and Marcella would have been known by their maiden name, Whitney.)

Description: Description: This is a masterful portrait of three young siblings. Clara, approximately 4 years of age, sits on a fringed studio chair with her feet dangling above the floor. She is attired in a dark dress with a double row of buttons and a white side ruffle which runs the length of her dress and boarders the attached matching shawl. Her petticoat is revealed, peaking under the front of her dress’ hem. She wears white leggings and dark, leather, side-snap, boots. Marcella, approximately 10 years of age, stands behind her sister and brother and is attired in a dark dress with a front strip of fabric which is embellished with buttons and a diagonal cross design. She wears a white lace ruff and a necklace which ends in what is most probably a locket. Albion, approximately 7 years of age, stands on the viewer’s right and affectionally rests his right hand on Clara’s left wrist. He is dressed in a formal, cutaway, jacket with decorative side buttons. Beneath, he wears a matching, piped vest and knickers.

Biographical Note: Albion (Albie) Whitney was born in Petaluma on April 10, 1870, and according to an article in the Petaluma Argus- Courier he received a “high education”. It also states that he traveled extensively in his youth, visiting the Orient and spending considerable time in Alaska, “where his health was seriously damaged.” In 1904, he departed Petaluma to work in San Mateo for his brother, Arthur Leslie Whitney (1858-1914) the founder of the Leslie Salt Refining Company where Albion was secretary and manager. Albie died tragically at age 35. On May 21, 1907, his car was struck by a passenger train, and it was reported he died instantly. Petaluma Argus-Courier, June 5, 1907, p. 3.

Family Affiliation: Albion “Albie” Harvey Whitney was the sixth child of the prominent Petaluma pioneers Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884) and Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney (1832-1917). His father was a California State Senator and wealthy businessman. His mother managed the family business after her husband’s death and was an active participant in the women’s suffrage movement. His paternal grandmother was Olive Parlin Whitney, and his siblings were Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton and Clara Whitney Spear.



Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is a masterful portrait of three siblings. The brilliantly harmonious arrangement of the children is strengthened by the arched matte and uncluttered background. The photographer has posed the children in a classic pyramidal composition. He angled Clara and Albion to serve as compositional parenthesis and placed Marcella to serve as the exclamation mark.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil is, “Albie”, “Ella” and “Clara”. Handwritten in cursive in black ink in the lower right is, “Clark Family”. This is not a reference to the sitters, but, most probably, to the owners of the cabinet card.

Date: 1876 or 1877

Condition: Both the front and the back of this card are soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-03

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Wheaton, Marcella “Ella” Whitney (1866-1915) (3 of 6)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Clara, Ella & Albie Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Names: Clara Whitney Spear, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, and Albion “Albie” Whitney (At the time this portrait was taken, Clara and Marcella would have been known by their maiden name, Whitney.)

Description: This is a masterful portrait of three young siblings. Clara, approximately 4 years of age, sits on a fringed studio chair with her feet dangling above the floor. She is attired in a dark dress with a double row of buttons and a white side ruffle which runs the length of her dress and boarders the attached matching shawl. Her petticoat is revealed, peaking under the front of her dress’ hem. She wears white leggings and dark, leather, side-snap, boots. Marcella, approximately 10 years of age, stands behind her sister and brother and is attired in a dark dress with a front strip of fabric which is embellished with buttons and a diagonal cross design. She wears a white lace ruff and a necklace which ends in what is most probably a locket. Albion, approximately 7 years of age, stand on the viewer’s right and affectionally rests his right hand on Clara’s left wrist. He is dressed in a formal, cutaway, jacket with decorative side buttons. Beneath, he wears a matching piped vest and knickers.

Biographical Note: As a member of a prominent Petaluma family, Ella was well educated. She attended an Episcopal high school, Saint Mary’s Hall in Benicia, and, according to her obituary, a Bay Area seminary which may be a reference to Mill’s Seminary. According to articles in the Petaluma Weekly Argus, Ella toured Europe between July 1887 and December 1888. She later married Charles B. Wheaton and moved with him to Medford, Massachusetts. She died suddenly at the age of 48 of pneumonia in Medford, but was buried in her family’s plot in Petaluma at the Cypress Hill Memorial Park.

Family Affiliation: Marcella “Ella” Whitney was the fifth child of the prominent Petaluma pioneers Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884) and Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney (1832-1917). Her father was a California State Senator and wealthy businessman. Her mother managed the family business after his death and was an active participant in the women’s suffrage movement. Her paternal grandmother was Olive Parlin Whitney, and her siblings were Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Albion Harvey Whitney and Clara Whitney Spears. Marcella’s husband was Charles B. Wheaton of San Francisco whom she married in 1892.



Format / Size: cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: This is a masterful portrait of three siblings. The brilliantly harmonious arrangement of the children is strengthened by the arched matte and uncluttered background. The photographer has posed the children in a classic pyramidal composition. He angled Clara and Albion to serve as compositional parenthesis and placed Marcella to serve as the exclamation mark.

Description, back: Handwritten in cursive in pencil is, “Albie”, “Ella” and “Clara”. Handwritten in cursive in black ink in the lower right is, “Clark Family”. This is not a reference to the sitters, but, most probably, to the owners of the cabinet card.

Date: 1876 or 1877

Condition: Both the front and the back of this card are soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-03

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Whitney, Susan Durgin Eastman (1832-1899)(1 of 2)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Susan Durgin Eastman Whitney

Description: In this cabinet card, Susan Whitney is portrayed wearing a simple, dark, jacket and a lace jabot. Her hair is center-parted and simply combed back behind her ears, but at the crown of her head appears a prominent hair comb. She also wears pendent earrings, a circular brooch, and a long, gold, chain.

Biographical Note: In 1861, Susan traveled to California by the Panama Route with her four children to join her husband, Albion Paris Whitney, who had been working in the lumber business in Placer County. They settled in Petaluma, and Albion became a well-known and respected Petaluma businessman and California state senator. They were prominent Petaluma citizens, and raised their large family in their fashionable home at 320 Sixth Street. It was recorded that as a widow, Susan managed the businesses her husband had created, and, as executrix of his estate, “carried out his wishes to the letter.” Also, after Albion’s death, Susan became a significant leader in the women’s suffrage movement in Petaluma. She was reputed to have been a very charitable and kind woman and was an active member of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star and of the Episcopal Church.

Family Affiliation: Susan Whitney was the wife of early Petaluma pioneer and state senator, Albion Paris Whitney (1825-1884). She was the daughter-in-law of Olive Parlin Whitney. Her children were: Cleora Melissa Whitney Hewlett, Nancy Jane “Jenny” Whitney Morrow, Arthur Leslie Whitney, Leona Merrill Whitney, Marcella “Ella” Whitney Wheaton, Albion Harvey Whitney and Clara Whitney Spears.



Format / Size: cabinet card, approximately 10.75 x 16.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: On the left bottom edge of this cabinet card is the photographer’s imprint in the form of his signature, “L. Dowe”, and on the right is printed, “PETALUMA, CAL”. Significantly, this photographic portrait served as the basis for the oil painting portrait of Susan created by C. W. Bowles in 1881. This painting along with its companion piece depicting Susan’s husband, Albion Paris Whitney, was donated by a descendant of the Whitney family and hangs in the Pioneer Parlor of the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum. Susan Whitney PDF

Description, back: Handwritten in pencil along the top edge of this cabinet card is: “Susan D.Whitney”.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882

Condition: This cabinet card is slightly soiled throughout and the right edge is stained significantly.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1981-835-32

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Man With a Beard and Walrus Mustache”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “A Man with a Beard and Walrus Mustache”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: The sitter looks up with an expression of expectation. He is approaching middle age. His dark hair is graying at the temples and his beard and bushy walrus mustache are also tinged with gray. He is formally attired. His matching jacket and vest are accompanied by a white shirt and black bow tie. A chain is attached to the first button hole of his vest.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation:



Format / Size:  carte de visite, approximately 6.5 x 10.5 cm

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front:

Description, back: Handwritten in black ink at the top of the card is, “17-2B” and “Unidentified”. Lewis Dowe’s imprint appears diagonally in the center.

Date: September 1875 - March 1882 

Condition: With the exception of a small water stain in the upper right, this card is in good condition.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1994-633-49

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use. 

Farquar, Frederick Stuart (1879-1962) (2 of 3)

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of Frederick Stuart FARQUAR and Ben Harold Farquar


was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Frederick Stuart Farquar and Ben Harold Farquar

Description: In this cabinet card, Frederick Stuart Farquar is between 2 and 3 years old, and his brother, Ben Harold Farquar, is between 1 and 2 years old. Seated upon a fur blanket on the viewer’s left, Frederick, with prominent, dark, curly hair, is attired in a short, dark, front-buttoned dress with a large flounced hem. The piece of white lace which has been tied around his neck may be a bib worn in reverse. He also wears dark leggings and leather boots. Seated in a highchair on the viewer’s right, Ben, with smooth blond hair, is attired in a white dress, striped leggings and dark leather boots.

Biographical Note: Frederick Stuart Farquar was raised in Petaluma and worked the family ranch in “Penn’s Grove”. Like his brother, Ben, he served in the Spanish-American War. Frederick was a member of Company K, in the Fourteenth Regiment. Ben was a member of Company C in the Eighth Regiment. Frederick lived in Petaluma at 729 Keokuk Street and later at 321 Keller Street, and he worked for the Petaluma and Santa Rosa Electric Railroad. Frederick and his wife, Hester R. Herbert, were both buried in Cypress Hill Memorial Park in Petaluma.

Family Affiliation: Frederick and Ben were the sons of Petaluma pioneers, Mary Irene Clark Farquar (1858-1941), and Calvin Stuart Farquar (1848-1908). Frederick Stuart Farquar married Hester R. Herbert (1885-1945) of Bloomfield in 1903, and they had two sons, Frederick Stuart Farquar Junior (1906-1970), and William Harold Farquar (1907-1956). They also had a daughter, Marion Hester Farquar (1910 - October 1911), who died at the age of 11 due to an accident. There are many additional portraits of Farquar family members in this archive.



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint in the form of his signature appears along the bottom left edge. Along the bottom right edge is “Petaluma, Cal”.

Description, back: The back of this cabinet card is blank or contains only an accession number.

Date: late 1881 - March 1882

Condition: The top half of this card is heavily stained.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 1978-80-44-p23-p44, Farquar Family Album

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.

“Woman With a Cascade of White Flowers in Her Hair”

Lewis Dowe’s Portrait Photograph of “Woman With a Cascade of White Flowers in her hair”


LEWIS DOWE was born in 1838 in Hanover, New Hampshire and died in 1919 in Portland, Oregon. He arrived in Petaluma in September of 1875 and set up his photography studio in the rooms formerly occupied by photographer Hugh Anderson. Dowe worked in Petaluma as both a “view” and portrait photographer until he departed the town in March of 1882. (For additional information on this photographer and to view all portraits by him in the collection, click on his name in blue above.)


Name: Unidentified

Description: In this head-and-shoulders portrait, a round-faced woman glances with heavy eyelids to her right. Adorning the left side of her head is a cascade of white flowers. She also wears a bouquet of white flowers attached to her white, lace, neck scarf.

Biographical Note:

Family Affiliation: This portrait remains, as donated to the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, in the McCleave Family Album.



Format / Size:  cabinet card

Medium: albumen photographic print mounted on cardstock

Description, front: Lewis Dowe’s imprint in the form of his signature appears on the bottom left edge, and along the bottom right edge is printed, “Petaluma, Cal”.

Description, back: The back of this card contains a date stamp in the lower right hand corner “Jun 1881”.

Date: June 1881

Condition: This card is slightly soiled.

Owner:  Petaluma Historical Library & Museum, 2004-315-02-p24-p17, McCleave Family Album.

Reproduction rights: The Petaluma Museum Association makes no assertions as to ownership of any original copyrights to the digitized images here reproduced.  These images are intended for personal or research use only. Any other kind of use, including, but not limited to commercial or scholarly publication in any medium or format, public exhibition, or use online or in a web site, may be subject to additional restrictions including but not limited to the copyrights held by parties other than the Association. USERS ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for determining the existence of such rights and for obtaining any permissions and/or paying associated fees necessary for the proposed use.